How to Build the Schlage Mobile Credential iOS App

How to Integrate Schlage BLE Mobile Credentials with an Access Control System

Last modified: 06.10.2024


The purpose of this guide is to walk a software development team through the steps necessary to integrate and use Schlage BLE Mobile Credentials with their Access Control system. The Schlage BLE Quick Start Apps - along with the Allegion Mobile Access SDKs - allows organizations to understand how to build their own solution to create, manage and distribute BLE-based Schlage Credentials for use as a replacement or alongside physical, card-based credentials. This guide covers the steps for building two different Quick Start apps, along with the cloud-based integrations necessary to support a Schlage BLE Mobile Credentials solution. After following the steps in this guide, a development team is ready to build and offer Schlage BLE Moble Credential features from their own branded solutions.

This guide supplements and refererences the formal BLE mobile credentials developer API and SDK documentation found on the Allegion Developer Portal. It is recommended that you read and review all content as you build your solution.

The BLE Mobile Credentials solution is fairly simple to build and use, and application code is not complex, however; the process to build both Quick Start apps along with the cloud-based API integration necessary to achieve integration of a production solution spans several technology stacks depending on if you intend to support both iOS and Android based mobile applications. This guide seeks to walk through all requirements, dependencies and setup steps to complete the process in a straight-forward and easy-to-consume manner, using the iOS Quick Start app implementation. Where necessary, references to other relevant guides will be linked to ensure no gaps exist to completing integration.


This guide assumes the reader has some advanced knowledge of iOS and/or Android app development as well as experience working with secure, REST-based APIs. The reader may choose to skip ahead as necessary where topics are already known or dependencies are already in place. Dependencies are listed in the Dependencies section of this guide.

Target Audience for this Guide

This guide is intended to be read and used by anyone who is responsible for technical implementation of a Schlage BLE Mobile Credential project, including mobile app developers, backend developers and project managers. It will also be useful for technical resources responsible for provisioning credential management systems and technical administrators responsible for managing credentials.

Glossary of Terms

Since not everyone who reads this guide will be familiar with language used in physical security and access management, this section covers definitions for terms commonly used in the space.

Term Definition
Access Control System (ACS)  An Access Control System is a software platform that manages access rights of physical spaces and resources based on predefined rules, policies and user access rights. ACSs provide a unified platform for managing access to spaces and resources across an enterprise and capture real-time information related to who is attempting to use/access spaces and resources at all times. Access control systems work alongside access control devices such as locks, credential readers and modules to control physical space access and govern assignment of credentials to support access control management policies.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) BLE is a short-range wireless networking protocol based on Bluetooth, designed especially for short-range communication and used extensively in security, IoT and other applications where device-to-device communication is a requirement. BLE is useful where device battery life is prioritized over high data transfer requirements. Most smart phones available today are BLE-compatible. BLE (beacons) has an indoor broadcast signal range of 10-30 meters.
Credential  In access control, a credential is a piece of data, document or physical object owned by or granted to an individual by a third party that establishes the individual's identity and authority within a given physical and digital environment. Examples of credentials are plastic employee badges, pin codes, physical door keys, or a person's fingerprint or retina. 
Near-Field Communication (NFC)  NFC is a very close proximity wireless communication standard, NFC based on the Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) standard, designed especially for near-physical communication and used extensively in security, IoT and other applications where device-to-device communication is a requirement. Most smart phones available today are NFC-compatible. NFC (tags) has a broadcast range of 4 centimeters. 
Patron  In access control, a patron is a bearer and user of a credential. 
Reader (or Module)  A reader is a device that controls access to a given space or resource. Readers communicate with and 'read' credentials presented to them and work alongside an Access Control System to determine if a patron has authorization to the resource or space it controls. Readers communicate access requests to an access control system, including unauthorized access requests, tamper attempts and breaches. 
Door File  A door file is a JSON-formatted file that is sent to a lock or reader device to instructs it on who has authorized access.
Site  A site is a representation of a physical installation of Allegion devices managed by an Access Control System. When devices are commissoined they are formally associated with a single site.

BLE Mobile Credentials High-Level Architecture


Schlage Mobile Credentials High Level Architecture


Schlage BLE Mobile Credentials give patrons the ability to use BLE-based credentials to gain access to secured spaces managed by an Access Control System (ACS). There are 3 technologies provided by Allegion to support this solution:


1. The Allegion Device Management & Mobile Access Cloud - The Allegion Device Management & Mobile Access Cloud (also referred to as the Engage Cloud) is Allegion's cloud-based Device Management and BLE Credential Management platform. This platform consists of several cloud-based services hosting secure, RESTful web-based API endpoints used to broker interactions between Allegion security hardware, mobile devices and an Access Management Platform. Developers will build solutions that interact with these services directly as well as through the Allegion SDKs from within mobile applications.


Note that a prequesite to begin working with BLE credentials is a completed integration to the Allegion Device Management Cloud (Engage) for Device Commissioning.


⚠️ Important: This guide covers only a common device commissioning interaction model

The focus of this guide is to demonstrate how to support BLE Schlage Mobile Credentials with an Access Control System - it is not focused on device commissioning. This guide covers a common use case scenario for establishing an Engage site and commissioning devices and does not intend to address the full range of configuration options available for Access Control System integration. Reach out to your Allegion Technical Account Manager for assistance with more complex deployment models beyond the scope of device commissioning processes covered in this document.


2. The Allegion Device Communication SDK - The Allegion Device Communication SDK is a collection of software development tools provided by Allegion that facilitate interactions to commission, configure and manage Schlage hardware. This SDK implements interactions to the BLE General Attribute Profile (GATT)-defined functions available on Allegion devices along with API calls to the Allegion Mobile Access Cloud to achieve these capabilities. Using this SDK, developers can build apps that building/property managers will use to manage the locks and readers in their buildings, including device commissioning, updating access rights and update firmware. Within the context of BLE Mobile Credentials, this SDK is important to achieve door file dispatch to locks once credentials are created.

The Allegion Device Communication SDK is available for both iOS (Swift library) and Android (Java/Kotlin) versions.

In this guide we'll cover building the iOS version of the Allegion Device Communication Quick Start App, which uses the Allegion Device Communication SDK to demonstrate how to build device communication capability into an app for use by your customers. The codebase for this app is also available for both iOS and Android versions.


3. The Allegion BLE Mobile Access SDK - The Allegion Mobile Acces SDK is a collection of software development tools provided by Allegion that facilitate interactions to download BLE credentials to a mobile device, search for Schlage device hardware in BLE range and allow users to use their downloaded mobile credentials to access spaces secured by Schlage device hardware. This SDK implements interactions to the BLE General Attribute Profile (GATT)-defined functions available on Allegion devices along with API calls to the Allegion Mobile Access Cloud to achieve these capabilities. Using this SDK, developers can build apps that patrons will use to download BLE credentials, discover in-range security hardware to which they have access and use their downloaded credentials to control devices for which they are authorized.

The Allegion Mobile Access SDK is available for both iOS (using Swift library) and Android (Java/Kotlin) versions.

In this guide we'll cover building the iOS version of the Allegion BLE Mobile Access Quick Start App, which uses the Allegion BLE iOS Mobile Access SDK to demonstrate how to build mobile access capability into an app for use by your customer's patrons. Note that the codebase for this app is also available for both iOS and Android.


ℹ️ Where are the SDKs hosted and how do I get access to them?
All 4 codebases (both iOS and Android SDKs and Quick Start Apps) are hosted in Allegion Github repositories. Requesting and obtaining access to these repositories is covered as a part of this guide.


Other components needed for implementation include:

  • A Physical Access Control System

  • An Identity Management Platform/Service

  • A completed integration to Allegion Engage Platform to support device commissioning

  • Compatible mobile devices

  • Compatible Allegion security hardware (locks and/or readers)

Overview of a BLE Mobile Credentials Project

This section covers the high-level process for completing a BLE Mobile Credentials implementation project.

Discovery, Requirements Analysis & Gap Analysis


High Level Mobile Credential Project Overview


  1. Allegion and the company will conduct a site survey and discovery meetings to determine all requirements, relevant systems and dependencies for implementing a mobile access project. This will include evaluating existing hardware to determine all firmware requirements and configuration updates. This may also include onsite hardware testing and demonstration of readiness.

  2. Company's developers will be granted access to the necessary Documentation, SDKs and APIs to begin technical evaluation.

  3. After requirements have been collected, Allegion and company will work together to confirm project goals and determine solutions for any identified gaps.

Scoping & Project Planning

Your Allegion representative(s) will work with you to determine project scope and requirements

Implementation & Testing

  1. Project work begins including development work against Schlage APIs and SDKs:

    1. Development work will commence to connect the Allegion Cloud with the company's Access Control System (ACS). This work allows the company to send new patron records to Allegion and receive back a record of a new credential for that patron.

  2. Company hardware (locks, readers) will be configured and prepared for use with BLE mobile credentials

  3. Patron training materials will be developed from template content including how-to guides, FAQs and other supporting documentation

  4. Testing - including end-to-end testing and user acceptance testing - will be completed. Testing will also require review, validation and certification of test cases by Allegion.

Launch & Ongoing Support

  1. Existing credential support staff will be trained on the use of the new wallet-based mobile credential technology and prepared for inbound patron technical support requests.

  2. Production support plan will be implemented based on previously defined and agreed support requirements.

  3. A pilot will be conducted to with a subset of patrons to validate the solution is working and address any outstanding issues with the solution.

  4. The full launch will commence.


Who is involved in a Mobile Credentials Project?

Implementing a BLE Mobile Credentials project involves work and coordination across the following organizations and resources:

  • Allegion - provides software and hardware to support implementation. Allegion will also assign a Project Manager and Technical Account Manager to every Mobile Credentials project.

  • Integrator - The integrator is typically responsible for access control hardware installations, management and firmware updates. Mobile Credentials projects will always include the integrator as they will have critical information and important responsibilities necessary to prepare and configure hardware to support the project.

  • Mobile App Developers - Mobile app developers will be engaged to complete development. The mobile app is used to authorize the patron, download a BLE credential to the phone and allow the patron to use the credential/app to control devices to access authorized spaces.

  • Cloud Developers - An engineer will need to implement an integration between an existing Access Control System and the Allegion Cloud. They will also work with the available user identity management systems to ensure app users are authorized and represented/identified across all systems. This integration is required to provision new credentials.

  • Cloud System Engineers - An engineer or technical resource will need to ensure all systems are able to communicate with each other and supporting activities such as system configurations, whitelisting of IP addresses, etc.

  • Project Manager - A project manager will manage this project and will manage not only the implementation but also support testing, documentation development, support process development, employee/patron training and system launch.

  • Technical Writers - A technical writer will be responsible for documenting application use for application end users and ensuring all necessary instructions and guidance is provided to users, system operators and any other stakeholders.


Requirements & Dependencies for a Mobile Credentials Project

This section covers the required and/or supported hardware, software as well as developer tools and development experience required to implement a mobile credential on iOS.


Developer Experience Requirements

Because this is a technical solution and requires development to implement, the development topics in this guide cover subjects at a level that expect developers to have knowledge of mobile app and cloud development activities, tools and technology. For instance, if developing the iOS mobile app, developers should have experience with the XCode IDE and use of Cocoapods Dependency Manager. This guide also assumes developers have had previous experience developing and distributing mobile applications through the Apple or Google App stores.


Minimum experience across the development team:

  1. Experience developing native mobile applications for:
    • Android (Java, Kotlin)
    • iOS (Swift, CocoaPods) - Note: Objective-C is not supported

  2. Experience consuming RESTful API’s and API IDE tools such as Postman

  3. Experience cloning and installing code from GitHub repositories

  4. Familiarity with Java Web Tokens (JWT) and public/private key pairs (specifically, ECC keys)


Enterprise Software Requirements

Schlage Mobile Credentials solutions are deployed within and supported by a corporate information technology environment and infrastructure. There are some technologies that need to exist in that corporate environment to support this solution:


  • Physical Access Control System (PACS) - The organization must manage their locks and readers using a PACS. Allegion can support all major PACS for mobile credentials. Your Allegion Customer Success engineer can provide full details on PACS requirements, the scope of which is not covered in this guide.

  • User Identity Management System - The organization must have some form of User Management system such as an IdM deployed that can uniquely identify and validate employee identity and authenticate/authorize employee access to receive credentials.


Mobile Hardware & Software Dependencies

  • Compatible hardware

    • iPhone SE, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus or later running iOS 15.6 or later

    • Android 11 or later

Lock & Reader Hardware Dependencies

BLE Mobile Credentials are compatible to be used with the following devices:


Locks that support BLE Hardware Version Info
Schlage Control B Locks All versions support BLE
Schlage MTB Readers
(MTB11, MTB15, MTBK15)
All versions support BLE
Schlage LEB Locks
All versions support BLE
Schlage NDEB Locks All versions support BLE
Schlage RC Reader Controller
(RC11, RC15, RCK15)
All versions support BLE
⚠️ Note: Upgrade Paths are available for standard locks to B version locks (ex NDE to NDEB)

For more information please reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us


What are the activities to complete Mobile Credentials Integration?


Implementing a BLE Mobile Credentials project involves the following activities:

  1. Sign the Allegion Security Token Agreement and Request API and SDK access - The Allegion Security Token Agreement serves to ensure a commitment to secure handling and application of a least-privileged-access policy to the artifacts, documentation and systems made available to your company to support development work to integrate Allegion Mobile Credentials. Once signed, developers will be granted access to the APIs and SDK repositories necesary to begin development work. To begin the review process for this document please reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us
  2. Complete Device Management & Commissioning Integration - This is the work done to integrate an Access Control System with the Allegion Device Management Cloud (Engage Cloud) for device commissioning, firmware updates and general device management. As mentioned above, this work is not the primary subject of this guide.

  3. Create a site - Locks are managed by site in the Allegion Device Management Cloud. Creating a site is the first step to complete in integrating Mobile Credentials. Note that the site must be created programmatically (via API) and cannot be created using the Engage Portal, otherwise you will not obtain identifiers necessary to complete subsequent steps. We'll cover creating a site in this guide.

    If you've completed step 2 above then you likely already understand how to create a site, however this guide will cover the step in case developers responsible for this activity are different than those responsible for the initial integration.

  4. Create a credential - Before a credential can be used it must be created and propagated throughout the Access Control environment. Later, patrons will use the Mobile Access App to download credentials to their mobile phone and use the app to access spaces to which they have access. This step will cover creation of the credential using an Allegion Cloud API.

    ℹ️ Note: This guide will use standard credentials, not No-Tour credentials
    Allegion supports a credential feature called "No-Tour" which supports a unique capability that allows site administrators to skip the step of "touring" a facility in order to update devices with door files, new credentials or updated credential rules.

    No-Tour is a special feature in Allegion devices and credentials that updates a device's valid credential list when a card, fob or digital credential is presented, simplifying access rights management. 
    No-Tour allows a site administrator to deliver access instructions to a device when a patron visits a lock for normal access, removing the need for "touring" a facility in order to program devices ahead of time. No-Tour is well-suited to address offline/disconnected device scenarios where touring a facility would be required in order to deliver access updates.  Digital credentials provide additional convenience by allowing site admins to deliver credentials to patrons without requiring a physical exchange.

    No-Tour allows the credential-carrying patron to serve as a 'mule' to deliver device instructions in a just-in-time fashion to devices.

    No-Tour is particularly useful in multifamily scenarios - for instance, where access to a tenant space can be granted at the first time a credential is presented to unit door. The no-tour credential carries with it both the access right along with instructions to inform the device that this user has access to this particular device.

    You can learn more about No-Tour payloads at the Allegion Developer site. For purposes of this guide, the credential used will not include No-Tour features and the door file will be sent to a device using the Device Communication App.

  5. Commission a device - After a site has been commissioned, site and building administrators can use the Device Communication App to commission devices and apply any other configuration necessary such as firmware updates. In this step we'll cover using the Device Communication Quick Start app to commission a device so it can be used with Mobile Credentials.

    If you can already commission locks and configure locks, including sending door files, then you don't need to repeat that step for this project.

  6. Update device with door file that includes the new credential - Once a credential is created, devices must be notified that they should recognize the new credential when presented by a valid user for access. A door file is a record sent down to a device that lets it know which credentials it should recognize and allow for access. In this step we'll use the Device Communication App to send a door file to the previously commissioned device so that a user can use it to access a space.

    ℹ️ This step is skipped when using No-Tour Credentials.

  7. Deliver the credential to the patron - Patrons will use the Mobile Access App provided by a Site Admin/Access Control System provider to download their assigned credential to their phone and use it to access a space. This step covers building the Mobile Access Quick Start App and getting a credential onto it.

  8. Patron accesses a space secured by a device using their BLE Mobile Credential - The patron will open their app and present their credential to the reader for access. This step will test that the Mobile Access Quick Start app can successfully control a device updated with the door file delivered in a previous step.


The remainder of this document will focus on implementation development activities and is intended for a technical audience (Developers, System Administrators).


Development Activities to Integrate Schlage BLE Mobile Credentials with an Access Control System


This guide will focus on the iOS implementation of Shlage BLE Mobile Credentials solution. If you are interested in completing an Android implementation you can use our SDK and Quick Start App for Android.


This guide assumes the developers working to build the app meet the following minimum dependencies for completing such a task:

  1. Developers have access to the latest version of the Apple XCode IDE.

  2. Developers have a paid Apple Developer Account and access to the Apple Developer Portal

  3. Developers have experience building Apple mobile apps.

  4. Developers have experience using the Cocoapods dependency manager to manage code.



Step 1 - Sign the Allegion Security Token Agreement and Request API and SDK access


In this step we'll complete all the activities necessary to get access to Allegion APIs and SDKs and have Allegion configure systems necessary for that access. These activities include:

  1. Signing the Allegion Security Token Agreement

  2. Creating an Allegion Device Management Portal account (if not already created)

  3. Creating an Allegion Developer Portal account (if not already created)

  4. Generating public/private ECC key pairs used to encrypt/decrypt user ID & Access tokens (JWTs) representing users who will enroll/commission devices using the Device Communication app

  5. Sending Allegion all details necessary to grant your team API & SDK access and create/configure integration artifacts - including your ECC public key(s). Do NOT send your private key(s).

  6. Generating a Mobile Credentials product Subscription Key in the Allegion Developer Portal

  7. Confirming SDK repository access (via Github)

  8. Confirming API access (using the Allegion Developer Portal, Postman or similar tool)


1.1 - Sign the Allegion Security Token Agreement


As mentioned above, the Allegion Security Token Agreement serves to ensure a commitment to secure handling and application of a least-privileged-access policy to the artifacts, documentation and systems made available to your company to support development work to integrate Allegion Mobile Credentials. To begin the review process for this document please reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us

Once signed, return here to continue.

1.2 - Create an Allegion (Engage) Device Management Portal Account

If you don't already have one, create an Allegion Device Management Portal account at


Allegion Device Management Portal Login Page


This portal is the management interface for Allegion sites you create. A site is a representation of a physical installation of Allegion devices managed by an Access Control System. When devices are commissoined they are formally associated with a single site, along with users, credentials and licenses.

The goal here is to use the available APIs to interact with the Allegion Device Management Cloud, and Allegion provides APIs to perform all activities that can be done via this portal; however, an administrator account must be created before you can make API calls. The user id and password used to create this account will be used when making API calls so this site enforces unique password requirements.

It is best practice to use a group email for this Engage account as opposed to a personal email, since calls to retrieve authorization tokens, and certain API calls requiring basic auth will use the credentials of this account.

  1. Click the Create Account link and follow the prompts to create an account.

  2. Verify the account was created by logging in, then go to the next step - there's nothing you need to do in the portal once the account is created.

1.3 - Create an Allegion Developer Portal Account

If you don't already have one, create an Allegion Developer Portal account at


Allegion Developer Portal Login Page


The Allegion Development Portal is the starting point for developers looking to get access to Allegion APIs, SDKs and documentation. This portal also houses access to product Subscription Keys, which are required inputs when interacting with the Allegion APIs and SDKs.


  1. Click the Sign In link to get started. A pop-up sign-in dialog will appear.

  2. Click the Create Profile button and follow the prompts to create an account and click Submit

  3. The next screen will be an email verification prompt. Open the email sent by Allegion and click Confirm my account link to complete required email verification.

    Allegion Developer Portal Verification Email

  4. Once your account is verfied you can log in to the Developer Portal. Test by logging in and then clicking the Documentation link to confirm you have access. At this time you may not have access to the Schlage Mobile Credentials product listed below - access to this documentation will be granted after you complete the next few steps.

Allegion Developer Portal Documentation


1.4 - Generate ECC Key Pairs used to sign User ID & Access Tokens (JWTs)

Allegion relies on several layers of application security in order to validate users to whom you intend to grant application access and control are indeed authorized to perform activities. One of those layers is the use of ECC-signed JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) that allow Allegion to verify user requests sent by users using your applications are signed using ECC private keys to which only your developers/applications have access. Allegion will use the public keys you send us - in advance of deployment of your application - to validate JWTs sent by users using your application. This key-pair signing scheme prevents unauthorized users from sending requests impersonating your users by allowing Allegion to validate requests are indeed signed using private keys accessible only to applications you build.

Your application will be responsible for generating two kinds of tokens:

  • ID Tokens - ID Tokens are used to represent user identity. Here you'll use an ID token to represent and confirm user identity.

  • Access Tokens - Access tokens are used to represent user authorization and access to specific applications. Here you'll use an access token to designate that the user using your application is authorized to access Allegion Device Commissioning application capabilities.

Allegion requires two sets of keypairs for signing JWTS - one pair for ID tokens and one pair for Access tokens.

⚠️ Important: Only ECC secp256r1 key pairs are supported for this process

Allegion only supports key pairs that use the secp256r1 (NIST P-256) curve for for this process. While your company may rely on an Identity Management System to generate JWTs for users, you'll need to confirm that the JWTs produced are ECC-signed and not signed using a different algorithm.


For the purposes of this guide we'll walk you through steps necessary to create ECC-signed keys using the openssl command line tool. If you don't already have this application you can download it here.

Follow the steps below to generate an ID token-signing key pair using openssl:

  1. Open a terminal application window. Browse to and/or create a working folder of your choice.

  2. Run the following command to generate a file containing your EC key pair, replacing COMPANY with your company name:

    openssl ecparam -name secp256r1 -genkey -out COMPANY_id.pem

  3. Next, run the command below in the same folder to extract the public key from the key pair file and save into a separate file, replacingCOMPANY with your company name:

    openssl ec -in COMPANY_id.pem -pubout -out COMPANY_id_pub.pem

  4. From here you will run the following command to obtain your private key for use signing ID JWTs, replacingCOMPANY with your company name:

    openssl ec -in COMPANY_id.pem -text


You can choose to have both ID and Access tokens signed using the same key pair, or alternatively you can use a separate key pair for signing access tokens. If you'd like to use a separate key pair for signing access tokens, follow these instructions:


  1. Run the following command to generate a file containing your EC key pair, replacing COMPANY with your company name:

    openssl ecparam -name secp256r1 -genkey -out COMPANY_access.pem

  2. Next, run the command below in the same folder to extract the public key from the key pair file and save into a separate file, replacingCOMPANY with your company name:

    openssl ec -in COMPANY_access.pem -pubout -out COMPANY_access_pub.pem

  3. From here you will run the following command to obtain your private key for use signing Access JWTs, replacingCOMPANY with your company name:

    openssl ec -in COMPANY_access.pem -text


In the next step we'll send the public key(s) along with other information to Allegion in order to obtain API and SDK access.


1.5 - Send Allegion Developer Support a New BLE Mobile Credential Product Integration Request


Now that you have keys and portal accounts you're ready to request access to Allegion Mobile Credential APIs and SDKs.

Send an email to Allegion Developer Support ( using the following template:

Email Subject: New BLE Mobile Credentials Developer Integration Request: [Your Company Name]
Email Body:

Allegion Developer Support,

I am a developer preparing to build our BLE Mobile Credentials Solution. We intend to build both iOS and Android application versions. Please find below the details necessary to complete integration setup and provide us with API and SDK Access:


1. Primary Technical Contact Name: [Full Name]
2. Primary Technical Contact Email:
3. Primary Technical Contact Phone Number:
[Phone Number]
4. The Allegion Security Token Agreement was signed by
[Signer Name]
5. Allegion Dev Portal User Email:
[Dev Portal Email]
6. Allegion Engage Portal User Email:
[Engage Portal Email]
7. Github username for SDK Access:
[Github Username]
8: Public Key ONLY for ID Token Signing:
9: Public Key ONLY for Access Token Signing:
"Attached" or "Use Same Key"

Please respond back for answers to any additional questions.


⚠️ Important: Do not send your private key(s) to Allegion or anyone outside of your organization.


The Allegion Developer Support team will process your request. Please allow for some time to confirm your request and configure the environment, which may take between 1-5 days. Upon completion, you will be given the following:

  1. An invitation to accept access to the Allegion Github Repositories for BLE Mobile Credentials SDKs and Quickstart Apps for iOS and Android. Be sure to accept the invite in a timely fashion as they expire.

  2. Access to the BLE Mobile Credential Product in the Allegion Developer Portal for which you can create subscription keys

  3. An Allegion Integration ID unique to your company and integration. This ID is required for initiating API calls to the Allegion Cloud and running the SDKs.

  4. The value of the audience claim that must be set in the ID and Access Tokens sent to Allegion for use with the Device Communication SDK and Quick Start App (if you don't already have these).


1.6 - Generate a Mobile Credentials Product Subscription Key in the Allegion Developer Portal

Now that Allegion has granted you product access you should see the Mobile Credentials Product available under the Products section of the Allegion Developer Portal. Browse to the Allegion Developer Portal and login, then click the Products link at the top of the page. If you have been granted access to use more than one product then you'll see multiple items on this page in a list. You should see the Schlage Mobile Credentials product listed. (If you do not see this product please reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us.)


Allegion Developer Portal products list


You'll be directed to a page where you can create a subscription. Enter a name for your subscription (such as the name of the app you intend to build) and click the Subscribe button to create a subscription.


Allegion Developer Portal MC Product - Create Subscription


Once created, you'll be directed to your Profile where you'll see a list of all subscriptions to which you have access. Click the Show link next to the Primary key link to reveal the key.


Copy the key - we'll use it in the next step.


Allegion Developer Portal MC Product - Subscription List


You can access the Profile again in the top right corner of the portal screen next to the Sign Out link.


1.7 - Confirm API Access


At this point you already have API access; we will use the Allegion Developer Portal to confirm that access has been granted by exercising the API.


Click the Products link from the top menu to get to the list of products to which you have been granted access, then click on the Schlage Mobile Credentials product link to access the subscription you created earlier.


Next, click the named link of the subscription you created to get to the API documentation, where you can review Mobile Credential API requests.


Schlage Mobile Credential API Call List


We'll use the Authentication Token call to test the API. This request allows you to obtain an authentication token which is a required parameter for making authenticated API calls to create, modify and delete credentials.


Click the Authentication Token API request link.


Schlage Mobile Credential Authentication Token API Request


Click on the Try it button to be reveal a test client feature that allows you to execute API calls from the portal. This client allows you to populate request headers and request body and execute the call directly from the browser. Notice that the subscription key - named alle-subscription-key - is already populated as a request header (and the value hidden).


Schlage Mobile Credential Authentication Token API Request


Update the body of this request so that the values of the username and password parameters are populated with the user/pass used to create your Allegion Engage Device Management Portal account in the step above.


Scroll to the bottom of that pop-out window and click the Send button to execute this request. If you entered a valid username and password you should have received a 200 response that includes a token that can be used to make authenticated API calls for other requests such as creating credentials, confirming API access.


Schlage Mobile Credential Authentication Token API Response


1.8 - Confirm SDK Repository Access (Github)

The last step to complete to ensure we have everything we need to begin development is to confirm SDK repository access. There are a minimum of ten (10) repositories to which you should have access in total - four (4) for iOS, four (4) for Android, one for Allegion Cocoapods libraries used for iOS applications and one Device Communication utility repository. Please click on the following links to confirm you can access the Github repositories for Allegion BLE Mobile SDKs and Quick Start Guides:


Schlage Device Communication iOS Repositories:

Schlage BLE Mobile Credential iOS Repositories:


Schlage Device Communication Android Repositories:


Schlage BLE Mobile Credential Android Repositories:


Schlage Device Communication Resources Repository (includes a tool for generating App Tokens):


Schlage CocoaPods Repository (libraries used for iOS apps and SDKs):

  • Schlage CocoaPods


If you are missing/denied access to any of the repositories above, please send an email to Allegion Developer Support ( with the details of the repositories to which you need access.


Step 2 - Complete Device Management Integration & Commissioning


Now that we've confirmed access to APIs and SDKs we can move on to the actual development work. The starting point is to connect the Allegion Device Management (Engage) Cloud with your Access Control System so your systems and applications can communicate with and manage Allegion devices. This includes activities such as commissioning a device and sending a door file to a device, which is a file that tells a device who is granted authorized access.

As detailed previously, the work to commission devices will not be fully covered in this guide as it is not in scope. However, in order to ensure a developer reviewing this guide can get all the way through it, this section will cover a simple device commissioning implementation so that developers who have not completed this work can make progress on Mobile Credentials. As such, this section will cover use of an API available to partners for creating and registering sites to which you now have access, but of which the scope of detail will be limited to creating objects and not covering the full scope of the API.

This API is called the Allegion Site Administration and Management API - or SAM API. Allegion's partners use this API to administer sites - which represent physical locations in the real world into which devices will be installed and managed. This API essentially allows partners to replicate the same site administration and management capabilities exposed by the Allegion (Engage) Device Management Portal using management interfaces they build and supply to their customers.

⚠️ The Allegion (Engage) Device Management Portal allows administrators to create sites, so why not use that portal to create a site for this step instead of the SAM API?

The answer here is that the Engage Portal does not supply the identifiers necesary to interact programmatically with site objects created through the portal interface. The Engage portal was intended to be used by Allegion customers who fully manage their sites through Allegion-provided solutions and services, and so the objects created through that tool are not suited for programmatic use. This is a simple but critical difference that requires we use the API for site creation.


2.1 - Create a site


To programmatically create a site we'll send a POST request to the SAM API/engage/sites/register endpoint with the following information:

  1. SiteName - The site name of your choice.

  2. Base64Key - A site key. This will need to be a random, 32-character hexadecimal string that is base64-encoded.

  3. IsEngageManaged - A boolean flag to denote this site as not managed by Engage (as per above, this site is unique from that of portal-created sites). The value must be false.

  4. SiteSoftwareKey - A site software key flag - this is a required element. The value must be Engage.

This call is authorized using Basic Authorization, using the same username and password you use to log in to the Allegion Engage Device Management Portal.


You can use the tool below to generate a valid test site key for this API Request. The tool allows you to create a 32-character hexadecimal string and then Base64-encodes the string. This tool is not intended to replace your production solution for generating site keys.


Site Key Generator Tool



Below are examples of a curl command and a Postman request to run this request - you may use the tool of choice for your team. Send the following request to the SAM API, replacing relevant variables with appropriate values as described above:

Using curl:

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic [Base64user:pass]' \
--data '{

Using Postman:

Schlage Mobile Credential Authentication Token API Response

A successful response will have a 201 status code and the response body will include the site identifier. Be sure to save this as you'll use it further down in this guide.


Schlage Mobile Credential Authentication Token API Response


ℹ️ If you didn't save your site ID you can retrieve it by sending an authenticated GET request to

2.2 Clone and Configure the Allegion Device Communication Quick Start app repository


Next we'll clone the Allegion Device Communication app from Github repository and configure it. As mentioned, this app is used to connect to and commission devices, update firmware and support lock management functions. In this step we'll configure the app far enough that it can be used to communicate with a lock or reader for commissioning, but we will not send a door file until later in the guide after we create a credential.


You should have been granted access to this repository by now - if you do not have access please review this step for requesting access.


We'll be working with the iOS app in this step; that repository is located here.

You can clone the repository using XCode's Clone command or use whatever tool used by your company to clone Github repositories.

XCode Clone Repo Command


Once cloned you'll need to run the pod install command on the repo to install necessary Cocoapod dependencies.

pod install command

If you have not installed Cocoapods or are not familiar with the CocoaPods dependency manager you can learn more about it including installation at the CocoaPods home.


Once cloned and dependencies installed, we can configure the app. Open the cloned project in XCode, then navigate to and open the QuickStart.plist file. This file contains properties we need to set before we can run the app.

Device Communication Quick Start App Properties


There are three properties you are ready to populate right now:

With these properties supplied your app will run with limited functionality, but will not be able to commission a device. To do that we'll need to populate the remaining properties:


  • appTokenBase64 - The App Token is a token used to allow the app to securely communicate with a BLE device. From the github home for the Quick Start App, the App Token is "used for both commissioning and securely communicating with a BLE device. This typically comes from a cloud service that secures the Site Key (the Site Key is used to encrypt the App Token, and must never be stored on the mobile device). For security, a lock may require that the App Token be refreshed (i.e., the cloud service needs to generated a fresh App Token). In this case the Quick Start app needs to be rebuilt and deployed with the new App Token."

    We'll use a tool made available by Allegion to generate our App Token. In order to use that tool we'll need to run the app once on a mobile device to obtain the mobile device's UUID, which will be used to generate the App Token.

  • tempKeyBase64 - The Temp Key is a key used to encrypt BLE communication between the mobile device and the lock. From the github home for the Quick Start App, The Temp Key is "tightly associated with the App Token, and it is generated by the cloud service at the same time an App Token is created. When a device requires a new App Token, a new Temp Key must also be provided."

    We'll use a tool made available by Allegion to generate our Temp Key. In order to use that tool we'll need to run the app once on a mobile device to obtain the mobile device's UUID, which will be used to generate the Temp Key.

  • idToken - The ID Token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) used to identify the user and enroll the mobile device for use with the Allegion Device Communication Cloud.

    You'll use your company's standard method for generating ID tokens in production. We'll provide guidance for generating an ID Token as part of this guide.

  • accessToken - The Access Token is a JSON Web Token (JWT) used to authorize the user for device commissioning and decommissioning. This token must be scoped to the siteID.

    You'll use your company's standard method for generating Aacess tokens in production. We'll provide guidance for generating an access token as part of this guide.


Other properties related to firmware management won't be covered in this guide.


2.3 Run the App once to Obtain a Mobile Device UUID


With the 3 properties populated we can now run the app in order to both confirm the app will run and to easily obtain a mobile device UUID. This can be done from a simulated app, but we recommend running from a test mobile device since future steps will use the BLE functions of a device whch are not available on a simulated device.

  • Go to your project in XCode.

  • With the siteID, integrationID and subscriptionKey populate in the QuickStart.plist file and your device connected/availalble, run the app. Your app should load.

    ℹ️ If you receive the following build error:

    SDK does not contain 'libarclite' at the path '/Applications/'; try increasing the minimum deployment target


    The issue may be a deployment target mismatch on the PromiseKit pod library. Try updating the minimum deployment to 13.0:

    Fixing libarclite build error


    The app splash screen will appear followed by a menu that will allow you to do several things, including Scan for Devices and Show the DUID of the mobile device.

    Device Communication Quick Start App Properties

  • Click on the Show Duid button. The Device UUID will appear on screen and will also be output to the Xcode log for the running app.

    Device Communication Quick Start App Show DUID

  • Copy that Identifier in XCode - we'll use it in the next step.

    XCode with DUID in log

  • Stop the Xcode app build.


2.4 Generate an App Token and a Temp Key


Now that we've obtained the mobile device UUID we can use it to create an App Token and a Temp Key. An App Token is an encrypted piece of information that contains all of the security protocols needed by the lock to communicate with a mobile device.  App Tokens are generated and associated with a specific mobile device by DUID, so they must be created per device. Allegion App Tokens have a defined structure, detailed here. When a device requires a new App Token, a new Temp Key must also be provided.


Allegion makes a Node.js command line tool available to demonstrate how to generate app tokens and temp keys; we'll use that tool here to generate a set for use with our quick start app.


  • Clone the Allegion Device Communication Resources Github Repository, then browse to the schlage-device-communication-resources/AppToken subfolder in terminal/shell window and run npm install to install it.

    Cloning App Token Repository

    Several parameters used by this application are pulled from environment variables (because they are sensitive and/or specific to the user running the application). The dotenv package is used, so we'll create a .env file in the application directory to setup these values.

  • Create a file called .env in the AppToken directory with the following contents:

    AL_SITE_KEY_BASE64="{Your Base64 site key here}"
    AL_DUID="{Your phone duid}"
    AL_USER_ID="{Pacs managed user ID}"

    Replace the values above with the values obtained earlier in the guide:

    AL_SITE_KEY_BASE64- Populate this value with the Base64-encoded site key you generated in that step above.

    AL_DUID - Populate this value with the Device UID you obtained from that step above.

    AL_USER_ID - Populate this value with the email address used to create your Allegion (Engage) Device Management Portal Account from that step above.

    Cloning App Token Repository

  • Save the .env file.

  • To generate an App Token and Temp Key, return to a terminal window and run node index.js to run the AppToken generator program. The output will include an App Token and a Temp Key.

    Cloning App Token Repository

  • Populate those values into the Allegion Device Communication App Quickstart properties file in XCode.

    Device Communication Quickstart App Token Populated

    Note that you'll need to generate a new App Token/Temp Key pair for any new device that will run the Device Communication Quick Start app.


At this point there are two remaining values that need to be populated in order to run the Device Communication Quick Start app - the idToken and accessToken JWTs must be generated and populated. We'll tackle these next.


2.5 Generate an ID Token and Access Token


The idToken and accessToken JWTs are used to validate the user using the Device Communication app has valid authority to use it to interact with Allegion devices.


The idToken is used during mobile device enrollment to confirm the user identified by the ID Token JWT has authority to enroll the mobile device and then complete the enrollment step. Developer documentation including the required token claims on the ID Token is available here.

The accessToken is used during BLE device commissioning to validate that the user has authority to perform device commissioning and then allow the user to complete commissioning. Developer documentation including the required token claims on the Access Token is available here.

Your company will have it's own procedures for generating JWTs but you'll be using the keys generated in the Generate ECC Key Pairs step above to sign your tokens. While generating tokens is not complex, the process requires use of your private key to complete the task, which must not be shared. There are few command line tools to achieve the task, so Allegion Developer Support has made a JWT generator Javascript project available via download to help complete the task using a command line. That tool is available here.


Whether you use your own method for generating JWTs or use the tool above to generate them for testing purposes, be sure to include all required claims per the ID Token and Access Token documentation. Specifically, be sure to set all required claims including:

  • the audience claim in both ID Token and Access Token. The value of this claim should have been supplied by Allegion Developer Support

  • the siteId claim which, must be included in the access token

  • the permissions claim, an array of values which must be included in the access token

Follow the instructions in that tool (or given to you by your company) to generate ID and Access Token JWTs and then populate them into the Allegion Device Communication App Quickstart properties file in XCode.

Device Communication Quickstart App Token Populated


We're now ready to run the Device Communication Quick Start App and commission a device.


2.6 Create and Provide a Doorfile to the SDK

A Doorfile is a JSON object containing configuration settings, instructions to modify the database of credentials, as well as the credentials themselves for a lock

For the purpose of this guide we will be using a simple example of a doorfile (shown below), containing a new credential within the "add" array, a schedule for that credential, and a config value "invCrdAudEn": "T" denoting that invalid credential attemps will leave audits.

Within the example credential we have a field, primeCr - this value is the encrypted key that authorizes access to the lock. For the details of how this value is created, reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us

For a full explaination of the fields in this example, as well as list of all the fields available for use in Doorfiles please reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us



To use this doorfile in the quickstart app, replace the default doorfile in the SDK with your desired JSON file, or alternatively replace the content of the example file with your desired configuration.

2.7 Commission and Write a Doorfile to a Device using the Device Communication Quick Start App


The Device Communication Quick Start app should now be fully configured and ready for use. We'll use it to commission a device.

  • Move within BLE-proximity of a supported Schlage device. Be sure the device has been factory-device-reset, and that the device is NOT associated with a site.

⚠️ Important: Factory resetting a lock will NOT remove its association with a site, the association must be removed separately

  • Open the Device Communication App project in XCode and run it. Be sure your mobile device is connected/ready to run the app.

  • Put the device in BLE discovery mode. Note that putting a device in discovery-mode is device-specific. For instance, to put a Schlage NDE lock in discovery mode you simply turn the inside handle once at which point a beep of the lock indicates it is in discovery mode.

  • Click the Scan For Devices button while the device is in discovery mode to search for and find the device. Available devices will appear in a list in the app.

    Device Communication Quick Start App Scanned Devices

  • Tap the device you intend to commission. A new screen will appear with menu items allowing you to connect to and configure the device.

    Device Communication Quick Start App Device Configuration Menu

  • From this list tap "Commission" and go through the flow presented by the app:

  • Once comissioning is completed, authenticate the connection to the lock

  • Write doorfile option highlighted

  • With a connection established we can now write a doorfile to the lock by tapping the "Write Doorfile" option.

  • Write doorfile option highlighted

  • The app will then show the progress of the write operation, and finish by parsing the file at which point this step is complete
  • Doorfile completed writing

2.8 Build the Mobile Credential Quickstart App and present the credential to a lock

Similarly to building the Device Communication quickstart app, fill the integration and subscription key fields with their corresponding values, and the JWT and JWT-access token fields in the properties file of the app. In this token, the sub will represent the user ID passed to the API to create a credential, and will pull the credential associated with it.

⚠️ Important : Access Token Caveat
While the ID Token can be the same between the Engage Device Communication SDK and the Mobile Access SDK, the access token will use a different value for the SUB claim, as explained above.

Example JWT :

  "aud": "AllegionAccessHub",
  "iss": "YourIssuer"

User ID mapped to SUB

With the app configured, build and run it following the steps presented from top to bottom.

BLE Quickstart app workflow

Once the credental has been pulled, scan for the lock, then tap connect followed by unlock to present it.

Successful unlock




In following the steps presented throughout this guide, one will have been able to :

  • Gain access to the resources required to configure, build, and implement the Engage device communication and Mobile Credential Quickstart apps, as well as thier respective SDKs.

  • Use the Mobile Credential API to create a Site to which a lock can be comissioned

  • Use the Mobile Credential API to create a user credential which can be pulled with the Mobile Credential API / SDK

  • Use the Device Communication Quickstart app to Comission a lock and subsequently write a doorfile to it containg configuration and credential information.

  • Use the Mobile Credential Quickstart app to present a credential to lock.

Support is available for any difficulties faced in this process, please reach out to us here: Go to Contact Us

Contact Us

If you need assistance, please use one of the following options to get in touch:

  1. Reach out to your OEM Integration Engineer

    If you already have an assigned OEM Integration Engineer, please reach out to them directly for support.

  2. No OEM Integration Engineer?

    If you do not have an OEM Integration Engineer, please contact Paul Iverson, Business Leader Electronics:
