0: "Operation completed successfully",
1: "General failure during the operation",
2: "Access code already exists",
3: "PIN code is out of the acceptable range",
4: "An access code with this name already exists",
5: "Failed to add the access code to the device",
6: "Failed to delete the access code from the device",
7: "Network error occurred while updating storage",
8: "No response received while updating storage",
9: "Update storage operation was denied",
10: "Network error occurred while deleting storage",
11: "No response received while deleting storage",
12: "Delete storage operation was denied",
13: "Lost connection while waiting for a response",
14: "JSON assembler error occurred",
15: "JSON parser error occurred",
16: "Access code ID not provided",
17: "PIN not provided",
18: "Access code name not provided",
19: "Schedule not provided",
20: "Parameters provided are not valid",
21: "User-disabled status not provided",
22: "Activation seconds not provided",
23: "Expiration seconds not provided",
24: "Parameters provided are not valid",
25: "Command type is not valid",
26: "User not found in the device",
27: "Duplicate access code ID found in the device",
28: "Access code name is too long",
29: "Access code length not provided",
30: "Access code length is out of range",
31: "Access code ID is not valid",
32: "Bolt is jammed",
33: "Schedule Locking error",
34: "Schedule parameters are not valid",
35: "Maximum schedule is not valid",
36: "Cannot process multiple device commands simultaneously",
37: "A subset of the access code is already in use",
38: "A superset of the access code is already in use"